DC-1 Walkthrough - By darkxploiter
Hello all, I would like to thank you for reading this blog. Today I am going to complete another boot2root challenge of a box known as “DC-1” and all the credit goes to @DCAU for creating this box. So, our challenge is to get root access to this machine. To download this go to vulnhub.com
This is a beginner-level machine.
Methods taken:
nmap For IP discovery
Network Scanning with nmap
HTTP port surfing (port number 80)
Finding Drupal CMS
Finding Drupal version
Finding exploit for Drupal version
Exploiting with metasploit to get a reverse shell as a normal user
Finding a way to get into the root shell
Taking root shell and capturing the flag
Walkthrough steps:
Step 1:
IP discovery:
nmap -sn
Step 2:
Network Scanning:
Step 3:
If we look at the nmap result we can see port 80 is open. So, we can go through this port to see what is up there. To check this I am going to open the IP on my web browser. So, here we can see a Drupal CMS site is there.
I have gone through the source page but nothing important was found so I am not attaching the screenshot which you can check by yourself (on the web page press ctrl+u).
Again if we take a look at the Nmap result then we will see that a Drupal version 7 CMS is running. Now I googled for vulnerability for this specific version then I found there is an exploit in Metasploit which is
Step 4:
Exploiting the target with this exploit:
First, use the exploit with the command use <name_of_the_exploit>
Looking for the options which it is requiring with
show options
As we can see we need to set the RHOSTS and LHOST
msf6>set RHOSTS
msf6>set LHOST
show options for checking that every option is set successfully.
So everything looks fine here.
Now, exploit.
And we got the meterpreter shell.
Without wasting any time I am going to system shell with the shell command.
It is saying that Channel 0 created. That means we got the shell. Now, use python spawn the shell.
python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
Moving to the home directory and finding flags there.
Step 5:
Getting root:
Find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null
Step 6:
Grabbing the root flag:
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